Newbie vs. Javascript

31 Aug 2018

Is Javascript fun?

Well, that is an very tough problem. For most programmer such as myself, there is no fun or boring when it come to programming language. There are only two result. Languages that make your life easier or make you want to throw your computer out the window. In terms usage, Javascript is a very simple and effective programming language. However, Javascript is not as simple and easier to use comparing to Python.The overall programming syntax for Javascript is very similar to other programming language such as C++, but there are a lot of other build-in programming mechanisms, which make Javascript a lot easier to use. Unlike like C++, JavaScript skip most of the data regulation and make programming a lot simpler and faster. These build-in mechanism and programming syntax is what we should be learning, however, these are not well taught in class or well focus on this module. This is basic module but it is the most important module that student should get it down as soon as possible.


WODs give more opportunity for student to practice programming more, however, it is not the most effective method. A programmer normally only have 3 effective working hours out of these 8 hours they work during the weekday. The reason behind these slow progressing is debugging and testing. It is the most painfully thing to do as a programmer, but it the most important task of being a programmer. Due to limited of class time, students are given a small and simple programming problem but there is no room to debug or long term testing. Compare to learn how to program some software, it further more important to learn how to debug and test. This learning method is very easy on the professor side, but students are not receiving the whole lesson. Independent learning is very important, however, effective tools are needed to be given before any “real” work can be done. Small basic are given, but that simply not enough. WODs are fun but not very exciting. Compare to learn for WODs, I find it more effective to go to some programming website and learn it myself. Small project are further more common in the professional field and far more effective than some simple 5 minutes programming that we never see in the field.