Unquie design pattern
29 Nov 2018
I have a plan? We may not realize it, but everything has a design pattern of its own. Before any object is constructed, there is always some kind of plan or blueprint before construction. And that exactly what design pattern...
Software Engineering
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UI Frameworks or just pain?
04 Oct 2018
The Invention of Web Design The desire of a faster and easer way to sharing information give birth to the invention of web. Transmitting data across the globe became possible in seconds rather than days. As technology has improved, our...
Software Engineering
Semantic UI
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What coding standard?
20 Sep 2018
How to Code Many people believe that software engineering technique such as coding standard help improve the overall coding quality. However, I personally agree at some degree but not entirely. After my first week of using ESLint with IntelliJ, I...
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Smart question or just being Stupid?
31 Aug 2018
Not Smart Enough Asking question is the most common and effective method of learning, but as Eric Raymond explained, you have to do your homework before asking the question. Basic understanding of the question and materials are very important. Even...
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Newbie vs. Javascript
31 Aug 2018
Is Javascript fun? Well, that is an very tough problem. For most programmer such as myself, there is no fun or boring when it come to programming language. There are only two result. Languages that make your life easier or...
Software Engineering
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RCA 1802
06 Feb 2018
Built in 1976, and used in the microcomputer system within the same year, the RCA 1802 was one of the first microprocessors to be developed with CMOS (Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor). The RCA 1802 microprocessor had no minimum clock frequency and no...
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