What coding standard?

20 Sep 2018

How to Code

Many people believe that software engineering technique such as coding standard help improve the overall coding quality. However, I personally agree at some degree but not entirely. After my first week of using ESLint with IntelliJ, I find green checkmark very useful. However, I find my coding style have been changing due to these green checkmark. For some programming language such as python, spacing is a very important part of coding itself. Not only it help the reader to keep track of the code, but also it make the code look a lot nicer. Furthermore, it easier to debug when the code are written in coding standard since it allow the eye to track every tiny bit of code a lot faster. However, spacing in coding did take up some space in the programming itself that can potential cause some delay especially when the programming size is very large. There is also increase of coding time due to the extra spacing in the program. If time is a very important factor, it could potential cause you miss your deadline. It is standard process for programmer to keep the same coding style to avoid confusion for reader.

Build Good Habits

It important to keep a constant coding style for practice ONLY. Code style or just some old habits are something that we build overtime. Some people may find it easier while some may find it difficult to read. Even if the codes are all written in a single line of code, when it complied into machine language it will work as it intend. However, it will be very difficult to keep track of everything little detail in the code. In the real world, most programmer follow code standard in most case. There are few programmers that just program however they see fit, but it may not be very fun for people who have to read it. For the most part, I agree code standard are important but it is very dependent. After all, there is not point of coding in a group when no one understands what you doing.