UI Frameworks or just pain?

04 Oct 2018

The Invention of Web Design

The desire of a faster and easer way to sharing information give birth to the invention of web. Transmitting data across the globe became possible in seconds rather than days. As technology has improved, our ability to distribute information and knowledge has become the further simpler. This all begin with HTML, the first websites were brass and mainly used only by governments. As time progress, the introduction of CSS was allowed custom styling and the introduction of JavaScript allowed for complex functionality. These three languages have seen their fair share of improvements over time and thus begin the era of UI frameworks.

Why use Semantic UI?

Semantic UI is one of many UI frameworks aimed at making web development simpler, faster, and better. Essentially, Semantic UI acts as a series of applicable class names that provide functionality to an element. This makes styling a web page much quicker and further more beautifully. Some may argue that styling a web may have taken hours. Indeed, not only it take time and effort but also art skill. We are living in an age of goods and service, and competitions have become a critical part of this society. Quality works are expected, but going beyond expectation is the only way to keep living. UI frameworks simplify the building of webpages by obfuscating the gritty deals of css. A class name such as “ui container” is much easier way to organize and further more colorful than the actual css. There exist alternatives to Semantic if Semantic doesn’t appeal to your development tastes. Frameworks such as AngularJS, Bootstrap, React, and Vue are just a few of the popular frameworks for front-end development. These frameworks make it further more robust and easier to maintain.